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sql, my apology!
送交者: k19 2009年03月27日13:44:45 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
I really thought you just copied someone else article and pasted it here. If I know that you wrote it. I wont say what I said. Cause anyone on this mb should be treat with respect. Unless he/she disrespected anyone on this board. That being said I still think part of the article misleading. 那麼報春的小草到那裡去找呢? 最早的有市場影響的,怕是CITI的內部MEMO,今年的頭兩個月,花旗都是有盈餘的。跟着的是BOA,其宣稱今年年底前會有大面積的盈餘。緊跟其後的是,有數據表現,今年一,二月份開始買房人數,新房開工數都略有回升,有些地區甚至連房價都有回升。最近的消息是,大宗商品訂貨量也已有反彈。當然有人會反駁,認為大宗商品訂貨量的反彈是對去年下半年企業清倉的回填,所以這種反彈並不可持續。但我認為,即便後面會有反覆,但擊穿去年年底的谷底的可能性不大。 1. I truly believe citi and bac and rest banks are lying. I expressed that the moment it came out. jimmy dimon watch the end of it: http://www.cnbc.com/id/15840232?video=1075233650&play=1 ken lewis, again watch the end of it: http://www.cnbc.com/id/15840232?video=1075319339&play=1 Should I say more? 2. New home sales. Read this and pay close attention to the chart. http://dow5k.blogspot.com/2009/03/lies-and-more-lies-it-is-all-good-when.html 3. About Durable goods, January was revised, and the revisions are significantly lower. The headline durable goods was revised to -7.3% from a prior report of -5.2%; and the ex-Transportation revision was more than doubled to -5.9% from a prior reading of -2.5%. Excluding volatile orders for transportation goods, new orders rose by 3.9 per cent. They were up by 1.7 percent after factoring out defense orders, which jumped by 35.3 per cent after plunging by 40.6 per cent the prior month. Read this: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/5125dae4-193f-11de-9d34-0000779fd2ac.html?nclick_check=1 “In short, the first rise in orders since September is welcome but it is much less impressive than it looks at first sight and it cannot possibly last,” said Ian Sheperdson, chief US economist at High Frequency Economics. So, if you spent time to write something to inform fellow chinese. Please make sure you get all the information and anylyze it carefully. But still your effort should be appreciated.
  sql: Few more articles - k19 03/27/09 (373)
  It's alright, will read those - sql 03/27/09 (437)
    Do some more research. - k19 03/27/09 (361)
    You are very reasonable. - k19 03/27/09 (300)
    One more suggestion: - sql 03/27/09 (338)
      I tell like it is - k19 03/27/09 (399)
        one more question: - sql 03/27/09 (381)
          And I hope you can tell by now - k19 03/27/09 (374)
          From my research - k19 03/27/09 (321)
        misleading is the wrong word - sql 03/27/09 (353)
          Like I said you can unintentio - k19 03/27/09 (319)
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