That's according to financial expert Ric Edelman, author of The Truth About Your Future: The Money Guide You Need Now, Later and Much Later.
The blue-chip index is currently trading at about 21,000. A surge to 100,000 would represent a roughly 376% increase.
"If I'm wrong, it'll be 150,000," he said. "We're going to see incredible profits in the United States, as well as globally."
Edelman's book aims to educate investors on how to save for retirement in the age of technology, where life expectancy is on the rise.
"If you think you're going to retire at age 65 and die at 85, forget it," he added. "You're going to live to 110 or 120."
He said "retirement" won't exist in the 21st century. "That means you're going to work a lot longer and you're going to save a lot longer," he said.
Edelman points to technology, which is helping people invest. Technology, he said, has brought down the cost of investing considerably via exchange traded funds.
2002年,亲眼目睹 CNBC 电视主持人 Bill Griffeth 与几位嘉宾讨论“我们有生之年,能不能看到道琼斯工业平均指数上扬至这本书书名预言的36,000点?”15年过后,蓦然看见这位爷