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05/30 EtherSportz Yocoin News
送交者: heika 2018年05月30日02:58:15 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话

The latest market report of 05/30 Shantui Coin reported that Ergo (EFYT) so far the price rose by 1.96%, the unit price rose to 4.6 US dollars, a comprehensive ranking of 792, a comprehensive score of 3.0 points, a total market value of 1027735 US dollars, 24 hours trading volume of 803649 US dollars, Liquidity 397300EFYT, total supply 5000000EFYT, a week’s overall trend slightly decreased.

HireMatch (HIRE) rose 10.41%, the unit price was 0.045954 U.S. dollars, the overall ranking was 821, the total market capitalization was 1,475,094 U.S. dollars, the 24-hour trading volume was 2912 U.S. dollars, the circulation volume was 320,990,708 HIRE, and the total supply was 7,778,000 HIIREs. The weekly trend was still declining.

EtherSportz (ESZ) today’s composite price fell 13.15%, comprehensive ranking of 820, a comprehensive score of 3.0 points, a total market value of 1,486,438 US dollars, 24 hours trading volume of 56737 US dollars, circulation 4941600ESZ, total supply of 6905580ESZ. A week’s price trend is not very large float.

Yocoin (YOC) had a large increase in price before the press release, which was an overall increase of 22.05%, unit price of 0.015782 US dollars, a comprehensive ranking of 800, a comprehensive score of 3.1 points, a total market value of 1770612 US dollars, 24 hours trading volume of 24563 US dollars, circulation 112194700YOC, total supply 171704700YOC , The trend of the week has gained a lot.

The above sources of information citicoins official website

Reading extension

1.Ergo is a decentralized Proof-of-Work blockchain platform that is based on novel scientific ideas. Ergo is a user-friendly protocol that permits users to function a full node on a smartphone. The purpose of Ergo is to solve the most pressing problem that the cryptosphere is centralized and of limited scalability, while providing multiple improvements. And ERGO is designed to create a veritably decentralized platform and offers accessible tools for trustless blockchain exploration and verification.

2. HireMatch is a decentralized blockchain employee recruitment platform that eliminates the friction and costs of third party intermediaries in finding talent. (HIRE) cryptocurrency will spread on the Recruiter market platform. Employers can also use (HIRE) currency to post jobs on the market platform. HIRE currency, which adds value at multiple stages of the recruitment life cycle, also allows job seekers to refer paid work to friends or business partners and receive rewards.

3.EtherSportz is being developed as a platform where is for e-sports tournaments and tournaments of popular online games. This platform will permit players to win cash rewards through paying small admission fees, challenging head to head matches and tournaments in their favorite games.

4. YoCoin (short for YOC) is a decentralized, P2P cryptocurrency that makes the users produce instant, fast and secure payments all over the world. Yocoin was launched on 21/01/2016. It uses the Proof of work method of consensus. YoCoin is based on the Scrypt mining algorithm, making it more accessible than bitcoin is when it comes to mining.

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