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05/26 Wallet Currency Quotes
送交者: heika 2018年05月26日01:22:14 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话

05/26 Shantui currency latest news quotes, Snovio (SNOV) as of the end of the current price fell 5.29%, unit price 0.017315 US dollars, the total market value of 7012236 US dollars, 24-hour trading volume of 55307 US dollars, circulation 404980448SNOV, total supply 651129644SNOV, comprehensive ranking 568 , Overall score 3.3 points, the overall trend of the week has declined.

The price of DomRaider (DRT) dropped by 0.63% before the press release, the unit price was 0.017963 US dollars, the market capitalization amounted to 1062515 U.S. dollars, the 24-hour trading volume was 172094 U.S. dollars, the circulation volume was 591,500 million DRT, the total supply was 1300 million DRT, the overall ranking was 485, and the comprehensive score was 3.2 points. Downward trend, investors can focus on sustainability.

Guaranteed Ethurance Token Extra (GETE) this week, the volatility is more obvious, as of now the unit price of 0.035200 US dollars, the total market value of 10560090 US dollars, 24-hour trading volume is not yet clear, circulation 300000000GETX, total supply 1000000000GETX, comprehensive ranking 1002.

The current price of CVCoin (CVCOIN) rose 8.76%, unit price was 0.776406 U.S. dollars, total market value was 7,735,531 U.S. dollars, 24 hours trading volume was 26,568 U.S. dollars, circulation volume was 9,837,303 CVCOIN, total supply was 15,000,000 CVCOIN, overall ranking was 549, and overall score was 3.4 points. Volatility, but today’s volatility is slightly greater.



The above sources of information citicoins official website

Reading extension

1.Snovio is a decentralized potential customer information platform that uses blockchain technology and data collection to provide high quality guidance. The snovio database will continue to be updated without the need to spend time in outdated or unrelated industries, providing users with a unique market that generates detailed information on all projects and objectives. Snovio can find people, mailboxes, and companies quickly, accurately, and in bulk. Such a product is a weapon for sales, recruitment and seo promotion.

2.The domraider network is an open source blockchain dedicated to real-time decentralized auctions. It will be transparent, reliable, adaptable and interoperable without affecting speed. The domraider network is not only aimed at registering auctions and bidding. This is the heart of a complete new auction ecosystem that aims to provide innovative solutions for all global auction players. On-site auctions, hosting, evaluation experts, delivery services and online auction providers will all be able to join the network, provide services and add value to the blockchain.

3.CVCoin launched in 15/07/2017 is a cryptocurrency created by Crypviser. CVCoin is an authentication token designed for the new generation of encrypted instant communication networks. Crypviser is a blockchain based first ever encrypted network for both the business and social communication. Crypviser was founded by CEO/CTO Vadim Andryan, who has been awarded the CCNA and CCNP degrees of IT security and cryptography.

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