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told you...
送交者: ItsScheme 2008年11月16日14:00:45 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
told you do long US dollar told you do short the overall market told you do not buy financial on the way down told you do not buy energy in jun or jul when it is about to peak. told you...... sometime best investment is stay out of the market. Now some bulls disappeared completely and some bulls start turn into bears and a lot new bears showed up here. are they late to the short party by shorting at current range? they 217332 71432352436241 8271 53323381 63833273. year end is fast approaching, review your strategy again. if you have a gain, congratulation, refined it better. if you are in loss, find out what went wrong, you need(must) to do something. I have adjusted my strategy: *hold off place big position of delta neutral *reduce trading size but more frequent trading to take the advantage of wide swing but reduce the exposure.
  I don't think I am qulified - k19 11/16/08 (245)
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