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81樣, 9481樣. 窮爸爸和富爸爸, free2005,
送交者: ItsScheme 2008年11月23日12:02:50 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
poor idea shares with poor idea get you no where but save you only a nickel or dime. why trapped in the rate set by bank? that's dead end! There are tons of money looking for a place to invest. Money market fund negative return and zero return on 2 year notes are the evdience. more evidence is showing in equity market with inversed futures pricing. Think about what i mean here, seriously think about it if you understand futures pricing. if you don't understand, then spend few days in library. the time will be well spend. you'll gain few hundred thousand of dollars if fed fund rate rise to 5.875% in few years with just the amount of HELOC you are going to take. why pay so much difference between fed fund rate and your mortgage rate/HELOC? screw your banker while you can directly accesss financial market with great hedge tool!
  現在發大財和破產都很容易的。  /無內容 - free2005 11/23/08 (131)
  5.875%? how about 10 or even - k19 11/23/08 (172)
  bit of clue about rate... - ItsScheme 11/23/08 (164)
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