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ok, i take money off the table
送交者: ItsScheme 2008年12月01日13:00:07 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
too good to resist the profit in less then 24 hours for a brand new BMW and a brand new toyota. i'm done for the day i'm done for the week i'm done for the month i'm done for the year with a gain of over 150 percent. i'm heading for las vegas now...will be back around christmas. happy holiday, everyone
  you are good at winning - 水滴~ 12/01/08 (327)
    actually, i'm going to las - ItsScheme 12/02/08 (265)
      wow! you are invited to - 水滴~ 12/02/08 (225)
        no, it has nothing to do with - ItsScheme 12/02/08 (214)
          hehe. :) Have a safe trip!  /无内容 - 水滴~ 12/02/08 (184)
  oh, BTW, short should not - ItsScheme 12/01/08 (292)
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