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A letter to Apple on the unfair 2013 meeting
送交者: 比较政策 2013年02月27日13:13:09 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话

February 27, 2013

Apple Inc.

Board of Directors

General Counsel, MS: 301-4GC

1 Infinite Loop

Cupertino, CA 95014


Dear Board of Directors:


            I am a concerned shareholder and it is my first time to attend our company’s annual meeting of shareholders today. The purpose for me to attend the meeting is to provide very important information on human rights to my fellow shareholders directly in person.

            It is sad that the meeting was not properly conducted by you.  Mr. Sewell allowed one shareholder to speak after the first proposal was introduced but denied me the opportunity to speak after the number 6 human rights proposal was presented.  This is unfair, undemocratic and a clear violation to shareholder’s right.

            Since this is my first time to visit our company, I chose not to disrupt the meeting. I left the meeting because there is no meaning for me to stay there after Mr. Sewell denied any discussion on number 6 proposal.  I left my vote to the lady who followed me when I left the meeting.    

Please provide me an explanation for the incident and how will you improve the meeting conduct in the future.  I am also willing to help our company to improve our company’s concerned social policy and practice as I have helped HP (you can refer to my proposal at its shareholders meeting next month 20th), Cisco (my proposal at its 2010 shareholders meeting), Yahoo (my proposal at its 2011 shareholders meeting), Chevron (my proposal at its 2010 shareholders meeting), Google (my proposal at its 2010 shareholders meeting), News (my proposal at its 2010 shareholders meeting), Intel, and others.


 Please contact me at 925-718-5037 (phone/fax), or zhao@h-china.org.


                                                                                                            Yours truly,


Shareholder, Jing Zhao

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