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I guess you are an absolute loser?
送交者: sunny_day 2008月06月22日16:46:10 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 意淫很爽嗎?你丫每隔一段時間就要出來顯擺,男人夢中 於 2008-06-22 14:45:40
It is true that I've got good positions within a very short period of time after landed in Canada --- that's no reason for you to talk like this even if this is on Internet.

It is true that my husband got excellent offers from an excellent company at an excellent location --- he refused one offer a couple of months ago, which is not as good as this new one though. We do feel unsure whether to stay here, where everything seems settled, or move to a new place to embrace new challenges.

I guess you are an absolute loser? Because a decent person will not talk like this.
  Don't be too upset. - facw 06/22/08 (181)
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