Go to FNMA website, you will see..... In addition to billions of executive bonus;
The total loan amount increase of FNMA in 27 years and total increase of FNMA administration:
1st term Reagan 5.04%/yr, 20.56% total 2nd term Reagan 10.45%/yr, 47.44% total 1st term HWBush 4.73%/yr, 17.91% total 1st term Clinton .58%/yr, 2.31% total 2nd term Clinton 5.12%/yr, 21.30% total 1st term W Bush 7.22%/yr, 29.45% total 2nd term W Bush 5.93%/yr, 23.16% total
Let's do a simple math:
1.054 X 1.1045 x 1.0473 x 1.0058 x 1.0512 x 1.0722 x 1.05.3 = 1.4672. That is total loan increase of 46.72% in 27 years.
1.2056 x 1.4744 x 1.1791 x 1.0231 x 1.2130 x 1.2945 x 1.2316 = 4.1469. That is total adminstrative increase of 414.69% in 27 years.
On top of that, the bonus and salary increase and other costs, etc....
No wonder FNMA is in big trouble. We should get a job at FNMA, get paid millions. Lost billions and taxpayers will bailout.