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送交者: 兴汉 2008月09月15日08:52:40 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 说着说着,原来你是个anti-sementic。对,美国飞星 于 2008-09-15 08:46:17
McCain Denounces Leaders Of Christian Religious Right

By Elaine S. Povich and Craig Gordon

NEWSDAY -- Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., Monday denounced the twin pillars of the Christian religious right, Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, as “agents of intolerance” -- a risky political gambit that was designed to attract moderates but also could alienate the religious conservatives who make up a critical Republican constituency.
McCain’s main Republican rival in the race for president, Texas Gov. George W. Bush, condemned McCain as a “name-caller.”

The back-and-forth over one of the modern Republican Party’s most loyal voter groups came the day before both Virginia and Washington State hold their Republican primaries. Bush is ahead in the polls by about 10 points in Virginia, while Washington is rated a dead heat. North Dakota also holds caucuses Tuesday.

Bush campaigned in Seattle; McCain in Virginia Beach, Va., in the home state of the two evangelists. The McCain campaign has charged Robertson and his organization with telephoning voters alleging that McCain’s national co-chairman, Warren Rudman, is a “vicious bigot.” Bush operatives said that McCain’s campaign also approved telephone calls highlighting anti-Catholic statements made by Bob Jones University, where Bush spoke earlier this month.

Monday, McCain called himself a “Reagan Republican,” citing former President Reagan, who attracted a broad base of Democrats and independents as well as core Republicans. McCain charged that Bush is a “Pat Robertson Republican” who would lose to Al Gore, if the vice president becomes the Democratic nominee.

“Neither party should be defined by pandering to the outer reaches of American politics and the agents of intolerance, whether they be Louis Farrakhan or Al Sharpton on the left, or Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell on the right,” McCain said.

“We are the party of Ronald Reagan, not Pat Robertson. We are the party of Theodore Roosevelt, not the party of special interests. We are the party of Abraham Lincoln, not Bob Jones.”

Bush, also trying to grab the Reagan mantle, suggested that Reagan “didn’t point fingers. He never played to people’s religious fears like Sen. McCain has shamelessly done, ascribing views to me that I don’t have.

“You can’t lead America to a better tomorrow by calling people names and pointing fingers,” Bush said during a news conference in Seattle shortly after McCain’s speech. “We need a uniter, not a divider.”

On Sunday, Bush released a letter to Cardinal John O’Connor apologizing for having spoken earlier this month at Bob Jones University without disassociating himself from the “anti-Catholic sentiments and racial prejudice” of the fundamentalist school.

Monday, New York Gov. George Pataki said that Bush’s Bob Jones appearance was a mistake, but that the apology to O’Connor should be sufficient. In an appearance with Pataki, Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, D-N.Y., a Roman Catholic, agreed. New York’s Catholic voters make up 46 percent of the Republican enrollment in the state.

Also Monday, a spokeswoman for Falwell said the evangelist would have no comment. A telephone call to Bob Jones University was not returned.

Jerry Falwell
  那你还投他?佩林呢?据说她是 - 飞星 09/15/08 (219)
    不管怎样,亲犹比亲穆斯林还是要好。  /无内容 - 兴汉 09/15/08 (218)
        那时真是胡闹,想整得全世界鸡飞狗跳。你以为是负负得正?  /无内容 - 兴汉 09/15/08 (208)
      你傻!用穆斯林来斗犹太。什么叫坐收渔利!  /无内容 - 飞星 09/15/08 (211)
        奥8不是拉登、是世俗穆斯林机会主义者,不敢惹犹太只会去斗中国  /无内容 - 兴汉 09/15/08 (162)
      犹太人对世界的贡献,穆斯林能比吗?  /无内容 - 兴汉 09/15/08 (233)
        所以犹太就来控制华尔街控制美国控制世界,你愿意吗?  /无内容 - 飞星 09/15/08 (198)
          看不惯,你也得坚持程序正义。否则就是希特勒了  /无内容 - 兴汉 09/15/08 (191)
            玩程序,你玩不过人家犹太!  /无内容 - 飞星 09/15/08 (214)
              反正你说的那些办法,根本不是办法。change不一定都会好  /无内容 - 兴汉 09/15/08 (217)
    说是这样说。可上了台还是被犹太人牵着鼻子走。  /无内容 - 飞星 09/15/08 (175)
      政客么,连马英九都绿化了。马坎不妥协,8年前就落选了  /无内容 - 兴汉 09/15/08 (164)
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