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送交者: 老卡 2008月09月15日20:23:27 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 媒体如果不是99%地偏袒他,他五分钟都站不住。匪连长 于 2008-09-15 20:17:50
Mark Levin has posted the full transcript of the Charles Gibson interview of Sarah Palin, highlighting elisions and deletions. Newsbusters comments on the editing of the interview. With the help of a post from a Hillary Clinton forum, The Anchoress compares and contrasts Gibson's interview of Palin with his interview of Barack Obama on June 4 of this year after he had clinched the Democratic nomination:

Obama interview:
How does it feel to break a glass ceiling?
How does it feel to “win”?
How does your family feel about your “winning” breaking a glass ceiling?
Who will be your VP?
Should you choose Hillary Clinton as VP?
Will you accept public finance?
What issues is your campaign about?
Will you visit Iraq?
Will you debate McCain at a town hall?
What did you think of your competitor’s [Clinton] speech?

Palin interview:

Do you have enough qualifications for the job you’re seeking? Specifically have you visited foreign countries and met foreign leaders?
Aren’t you conceited to be seeking this high level job?
Questions about foreign policy
-territorial integrity of Georgia
-allowing Georgia and Ukraine to be members of NATO
-NATO treaty
-Iranian nuclear threat
-what to do if Israel attacks Iran
-Al Qaeda motivations
-the Bush Doctrine
-attacking terrorists harbored by Pakistan
Is America fighting a holy war? [misquoted Palin]

It's not altogether fair to compare Gibson's interview of Palin, which was her first on the national stage, with Gibson's interview of Obama on June 4 of this year, which followed Obama's questioning in numerous Democratic debates and other appearances. Nevertheless, taken as a whole, Gibson's interview of Palin does nothing to undercut Mark Penn's observation that "the media so far has been the biggest loser in this race."
  呵呵,再过十年,这绝对成为媒体帮偏之经典。 /无内容 - 数据清洁工 09/15/08 (150)
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