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Believe me,
送交者: NoWorry 2008月09月23日07:22:20 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 大亂子是沒有,就是像大英帝國一樣衰弱下去der 於 2008-09-22 20:37:10
America will be just fine; America is totally different from countries of British, Spain, China, Egypt, Indian, Russia, Canada, Japan, French, Germany, Australia, Argentina, etc. American people, political systems, economic systems, culture, techno ledge, military, education, geography, even its climate tells the world that America will be just fine. No country in the world can challenge American super power in many years. That’s why no matter what, people in the world are still looking how America response to whenever serious event happens in the world. Even Mainland China has to response to America very cautiously and carefully even over her sovereignty like issues of Taiwan, Xizang, Xinjiang. That’s the reality. We have to accept it no matter you like it or not.
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