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送交者: stone 2009月02月11日23:56:54 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 支持楼主。寄自美国 于 2009-02-09 06:44:08
虽然言真轻网友的评论有一定的道理,but don't you think it is going a little bit too extreme?? The author was simply sharing the story to the society and encourage us to stand up and fight for our rights IF there's similar incidence happen to us again. She was not really using this forum to seek public avenue to punish Costco, and she did not use this forum to call for boycott to Costco. I bet if this happen to a black girl, that Costco worker will not dare to do the same, simply because they fight hard for their rights!
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