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many repeated words
送交者: 888888 2008月07月15日13:46:13 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話
回  答: The Rainbow Flower - BY 丫丫唯一 於 2008-07-15 09:26:10
It starts as a tiny seed waiting to be put into the rich soil. The minuscule kernel gets its wish and is put into the lush land.

In spring the insignificant pit becomes an innocent germ waiting patiently to become bigger. As time passes by the harmless shoot grows into a fragile sprout on a stem growing in hopes to become a beautiful flower.

In summer the delicate bud opens to reveal a stunning rainbow flower. The multihued bloom is Black, blue, red, yellow, orange, and green. No other blossom is as gorgeous as the rainbow flower.

In fall the flower cries in sadness as it starts to die and lose its colourful petals.

But before the flower dies it drops a tiny seed into the fertile earth in hopes that the seed will grow and bloom into an attractive rainbow flower too.
  I actually prefer those repeated words, - 滸 07/15/08 (161)
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