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The problem is the market's lack of confidence
送交者: 三里屯后身 2008月07月16日10:45:02 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话
回  答: mortgage giants are 'adequately capitalized.'三里屯后身 于 2008-07-16 09:31:24
Lack of confidence 本人认为源于楼主样一知半解人士的瞎咧咧。

Bernanke: The Kids Are Alright
Carl Gutierrez, 07.16.08, 12:00 PM ET

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke doesn't think Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac aren't in any danger of failing.

On Bernanke's second day before Congress, this time in front of Rep. Barney Frank's House Financial Services Committee, the Fed chairman said the troubled Fannie Mae (nyse: FNM - news - people ) and Freddie Mac (nyse: FRE - news - people ) were adequately capitalized, and were in no danger of failing.

The problem, according to Bernanke, is the market's lack of confidence in the government sponsored enterprises, which hampers their ability to raise capital, leading to increasing lending costs. (See "Fannie And Freddie Lose Their Shorts" )
  而唱衰者本身可能有不良企图,文内见。 - 三里屯后身 07/16/08 (1833)
    有台阶就下吧。回到跟党走的路子上,越描越黑了。  /无内容 - talkswitch 07/18/08 (313)
      看看股价,别扯那没用的。不懂就是不懂,装什么大眼灯?  /无内容 - 三里屯后身 07/18/08 (333)
        看看股价就对了,一年跌80%。别扯那没用的 - talkswitch 07/18/08 (255)
        Fannie Mae CEO Defends Mortgage Giant's Stability - 三里屯后身 07/18/08 (235)
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