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According Jewish tradition, a
送交者: EmitEht 2009月03月25日11:49:09 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 吾对于也苏没啥了解,不过很想知道他唯一 于 2009-03-25 10:42:56
man of 30 years of age must be married. The gospel had some accounts of young Jesus (below 12 years old). When Jesus re-emerged as The Jesus, he was about 30 years old. The Gospels were deadly silent about the 18 years in between, which were clearly the most important period of time in a person's life.

What happened to Jesus during these 18 years?

One theory was he actually left the middle east,travelled to India with his uncle, who was a merchant, lived in Inida, studied Buddhism and other Indian religions. After 18 years, he came back to Judia with a new understanding or interpreation of religion or god. Therefore, he started to preach.

Now, the answer to your question probably is Jesus was not married when he started his mission, due to his travel and stay in India. One reason is that Jews can only marry to jews and Jesus found no one to marry during his stay and travel.

During his mission, well, it is anyone's guess whether Jesus had developed romantic relationship with Mary Magdalene. According to one gospel that was not included in the Bible, Peter was jealous of Mary Magdalene and complained to Jesus why he was kissing her.

  yeah, heard that too /无内容 - 唯一 03/25/09 (203)
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