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送交者: 淡紫 2020月04月27日11:50:56 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 絕交部戰狼又有新動作了。呵呵淡紫 於 2020-04-27 11:47:59

SYDNEY (REUTERS) - Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne has cautioned China against attempts at "economic coercion" as Australia pushes for an investigation into the coronavirus pandemic that China opposes.

Chinese ambassador to Australia, Mr Cheng Jingye, said in a newspaper interview on Monday the "Chinese public" could avoid Australian products and universities.

Australia last week called for all members of the World Health Organisation (WHO) to support an independent review into the origins and spread of the coronavirus, and is lobbying world leaders.

    是啊,我也有此問,嘿嘿  /無內容 - 對對眼 04/27/20 (149)
      查QQH  /無內容 - 淡紫 04/27/20 (121)
      中共的腦迴路格外清奇,總是做這種讓全世界不能理解的事情。  /無內容 - 淡紫 04/27/20 (145)
    西方和中共斷交乃雙方共贏之好事。  /無內容 - 毛左 04/27/20 (136)
      被厲害國嚴重威脅,澳大利亞瑟瑟發抖。。。哈哈哈  /無內容 - 淡紫 04/27/20 (157)
        全世界瑟瑟發抖。。。  /無內容 - 淡紫 04/27/20 (128)
        澳總理比英國首相有骨氣得多。  /無內容 - 對對眼 04/27/20 (142)
          說明你根本不懂其背後的信息。瞎起鬨  /無內容 - Turkey 04/27/20 (159)
            跟幼兒園阿姨瞎起鬨  /無內容 - Turkey 04/27/20 (130)
          我在說反話  /無內容 - 淡紫 04/27/20 (138)
            知道,呵呵  /無內容 - 對對眼 04/27/20 (120)
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