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送交者: 淡紫 2020月08月29日11:34:20 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 哈哈。共匪露大齅了。兩天前朝南海發射東風導彈對對眼 於 2020-08-29 10:11:03

Department of Justice

U.S. Attorney’s Office

Western District of Virginia


Friday, August 28, 2020

University of Virginia Researcher Charged with Theft of Trade Secrets and Computer Intrusion 

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. – Haizhou Hu, a Chinese national conducting research at the University of Virginia, was arrested today and charged via criminal complaint with a pair of federal crimes just days after he attempted to board a flight to China. United States Attorney Thomas T. Cullen and David W. Archey, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Richmond Division announced the arrest.

Hu, 34, is charged with accessing a computer without authorization, or exceeding authorization to obtain information from a protected computer and theft of trade secrets.

According to court documents, investigators first became aware of Hu, who is in the United States conducting research studying bio-mimics and fluid dynamics at the University of Virginia, on August 25, 2020 when he attempted to board a flight to China at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport. A routine screening conducted by authorities revealed that Hu was alleged to be in possession of bio-inspired research simulation software code that he was not authorized to possess, and which represented the result of years of research and resources in its development by members of the University of Virginia academic community.

 The investigation of the case is being conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. First Assistant United States Attorney Daniel P. Bubar and Assistant United States Attorney Christopher Kavanaugh are prosecuting the case for the United States.

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