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送交者: 綠野仙人 2021月04月10日14:17:11 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 死去。祝你死的痛快綠野仙人 於 2021-04-09 20:09:09

Yesterday I posted about how people are completely changing behaviors after the vax. 

Today I came across this, which may be why. If the soul detached from the body and was only connected to it via "the cord" (which everyone who does astral projection can observe) - if there's no communication between the soul and brain because the link is cut, the brain will calculate based on experience of what is acceptable for a short while, but will then drift to animal type self servitude with no soul to guide it. This would explain totally why there seems to be no emotional connection to family or God in many people after the vax. This type of thing was commented on repeatedly with the family member comments I posted yesterday. Those who still have the connection are likely those who did not get the actual kill shot (they won't do it to everyone, they need naysayers saying "Everything is totally normal" to unwittingly trick people into getting the shot.

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