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you stupid fuckers are destroy
送交者: 綠野仙人 2021月07月18日17:13:07 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 大乘佛教的利他思想與群體生物學完全契合。pifu01 於 2021-07-18 14:10:50

destroying people's life. and calll it cause and effect. I know there is a reason for it but when you become the one to delivery or pushing the lies and get people fooled into hurt themselves. I am sure there is a karma time for you stupid people. Let me try to save your soul one more time. Stop you shitty fucked up lies. If you don't know what I am saying then do more research and open you stupid fucking eyes and see what is going on. May God save your soul.

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