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2021-08-26 17:38:22

16-year-old Tennessee kid collapses at school, die[編輯] [刪除] [引用] [置頂]

Azorean Tatum: 16-year-old Tennessee kid collapses at school, dies days later after receiving Pfizer (Comirnaty) mRNA injection



August 26, 2021

Mr. Azorean Tatum.

MEMPHIS — A 16-year-old high school football player is dead; and mainstream media are doing their best to blame “COVID-19.”

Mr. Azorean Tatum returned to Westwood High School in Memphis, Tennessee for his junior year on Monday, August 9 – the first day of school. Four days later, Friday, August 13, Azorean, who goes by “Zo,” suddenly collapsed at school. He called his mom, crying and barely able to breath. Azorean told her something was seriously wrong. He couldn’t stand up or walk on his own. Paramedics rushed him to Baptist Children’s Hospital.

Ms. Quintina Buckner, Azorean’s mother, told WREG News Channel 3 in Memphis, that doctors diagnosed her son with “COVID-19.” The Commercial Appeal reported that Azorean spent two days in the hospital before being released and “quarantined.” There are no reports of tests (CT scans, EKG, etc.) being performed on Azorean, except COVID-19 tests.  The young man’s condition rapidly deteriorated when he got home. Ms. Buckner gave him Tylenol, vitamins, fluids and whatever else, but nothing helped.

Azorean was taken to Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital on Friday, August 20. But by then it was too late. Young Azorean passed away at the hospital on Saturday, August 21.

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