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All four Dharmic religions,
送交者: a自由人 2022月11月24日20:36:40 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 給你自由辯論,不是讓你胡說八道的。pifu01 於 2022-11-24 20:05:18


Comparison with Buddhism and Hinduism[edit]

All four Dharmic religions, viz., Jainism, Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism, share concepts and doctrines such as karma and rebirth, with similar festivals and monastic traditions.[219][220][221] They do not believe in eternal heaven or hell or judgment day, and leave it up to individual discretion to choose whether or not to believe in gods, to disagree with core teachings, and to choose whether to participate in prayers, rituals and festivals. They all consider values such as non-violence to be important,[222]: p. 635 link suffering to craving, individual's actions, intents, and karma, and believe spirituality is a means to enlightened peace, bliss and eternal liberation (moksha).[223][224]

Jainism differs from both Buddhism and Hinduism in its ontological premises. All believe in impermanence, but Buddhism incorporates the premise of anatta ("no eternal self or soul"). Hinduism incorporates an eternal unchanging atman ("soul"), while Jainism incorporates an eternal but changing jiva ("soul").[225][226][227] In Jain thought, there are infinite eternal jivas, predominantly in cycles of rebirth, and a few siddhas (perfected ones).[228] Unlike Jainism, Hindu philosophies encompass nondualism where all souls are identical as Brahman and posited as interconnected one[229][230][231]

While both Hinduism and Jainism believe "soul exists" to be a self-evident truth, most Hindu systems consider it to be eternally present, infinite and constant (vibhu), but some Hindu scholars propose soul to be atomic. Hindu thought generally discusses Atman and Brahman through a monistic or dualistic framework. In contrast, Jain thought denies the Hindu metaphysical concept of Brahman, and Jain philosophy considers the soul to be ever changing and bound to the body or matter for each lifetime, thereby having a finite size that infuses the entire body of a living being.[232]

Jainism is similar to Buddhism in not recognizing the primacy of the Vedas and the Hindu Brahman. Jainism and Hinduism, however, both believe "soul exists" as a self-evident truth.[223][233] Jains and Hindus have frequently intermarried, particularly in northern, central and western regions of India.[234][235] Some early colonial scholars stated that Jainism like Buddhism was, in part, a rejection of the Hindu caste system,[236][237] but later scholars consider this a Western error.[238] A caste system not based on birth has been a historic part of Jain society, and Jainism focused on transforming the individual, not society.[234][239][240][241][h]

Monasticism is similar in all three traditions,[244][245] with similar rules, hierarchical structure, not traveling during the four-month monsoon season, and celibacy,[245] originating before the Buddha or the Mahāvīra.[244] Jain and Hindu monastic communities have traditionally been more mobile and had an itinerant lifestyle, while Buddhist monks have favored belonging to a sangha (monastery) and staying in its premises.[246] Buddhist monastic rules forbid a monk to go outside without wearing the sangha's distinctive ruddy robe, or to use wooden bowls.[244] In contrast, Jain monastic rules have either required nakedness (Digambara) or white clothes (Śvētāmbara), and they have disagreed on the legitimacy of the wooden or empty gourd as the begging bowl by Jain monks.[244]

Jains have similar views with Hindus that violence in self-defence can be justified,[248] and that a soldier who kills enemies in combat is performing a legitimate duty.[249] Jain communities accepted the use of military power for their defence; there were Jain monarchs, military commanders, and soldiers.[250] The Jain and Hindu communities have often been very close and mutually accepting. Some Hindu temples have included a Jain Tirthankara within its premises in a place of honour,[251][252] while temple complexes such as the Badami cave temples and Khajuraho feature both Hindu and Jain monuments.[253][254]

  上面的, 是 第三方的意見。 /無內容 - a自由人 11/24/22 (123)
      Buddha or Mahāvīra ?  /無內容 - a自由人 11/24/22 (128)
        三藏十二部經,網上現在全部能搜到。你胡說夠了沒?  /無內容 - pifu01 11/24/22 (72)
          正宗印度本土的,和人云亦云山寨的對比一下。就明白了  /無內容 - a自由人 11/24/22 (152)
            你去比啊,大藏經裡面去找你說的那一部。其他少扯。  /無內容 - pifu01 11/24/22 (82)
              對比,看看這篇文章: - a自由人 11/24/22 (155)
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