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9.7 社會環境 Social Environment
送交者: 盧岩 2023年09月17日18:07:27 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話

2001年移民加拿大後,一次我回國乘飛機經由美國。美國警察來接我,伴隨我上了另一架飛機。回加拿大時在芝加哥轉機,我被扣留在了機場,等待審查結果。等了十幾個小時之後,一個警察來跟我說: “老規矩,你可能都知道了!限你48小時之內離開美國。你在美國期間,我會一直陪着你;吃飯、睡覺、上廁所、去商店,去公園,我都陪着你。”

After immigrating to Canada in 2001, I returned home and flew through the United States. The American police came to pick me up and accompanied me to another plane. Transiting in Chicago on my way back to Canada, I was detained at the airport awaiting the results of the review. After waiting for more than a dozen hours, a policeman came to me and said, "You probably know the old rules! You are allowed to leave the U.S. within 48 hours. I will always be with you while you are in the United States; Eat, sleep, go to the toilet, go to the store, go to the park, I will accompany you.”




I was mad at that. The American policeman said: "What are you angry about! The relationship between the United States and China is not so friendly; People like you are not welcome in the United States! What are you doing here?”

I replied, “Do nothing, just turn around, pass by! If you hadn't detained me, I would already be in my own home in Canada by this time!”

“I saw it all on my computer screen, and more than a dozen organizations investigated you for more than a dozen hours,” he said. Are you all right here!? I don't believe it! Of course, you can't tell me! I just follow what the computer screen tells me, routine, and do my job.”


注9.7-1,美國中央情報局對我的關注是引發我覺思失調症的一個因素。我怎麼被列入了美國的不歡迎人物名單?直到2014年,我寫完回憶錄才明白。1996年,一次我和室友,那個來自國務院的警察(參見第7章《東北大學》)談話時,他說: “他們(去砸美國領事館的同學)進沒進美國的那個名單,我不知道,但你是已經進去了。對不起!都是因為我。我這種人一出北京,就會被他們盯得死死的。我來東北大學讀博士,碰巧和你住一個寢室一年多。他們就不這麼認為;他們認為我和你有什麼勾搭,所以你就被列進了美國的那個名單。”

Annotation 9.7-1, U.S. CIA's concern for me was a factor in my mental illness. How did I get on the list of persona non grata in the United States? It wasn't until 2014 that I finished writing my memoirs that I understood. In 1996, when I spoke to my roommate, the police officer from State (see Chapter 7 Northeastern University), he said, “They [the classmates who went to smash the U.S. consulate] got into the American Blacklist or not, I don't know, but you have already entered. I'm sorry! It's all because of me. As soon as people like me leave Beijing, they (i.e., American spies) will stare us. I came to Northeastern University for my Ph.D. and happened to live in a dormitory with you for more than a year. They don't think so; They thought I had something to do with you, so you got on that blacklist of United States.”


So why are more than 10 departments studying me together? The U.S. state department that corresponds to my State Department police roommate is the kind of "X-file" cop in American movies. They are secret police directly under the leadership of the White House and involve many departments.

(事例 2)


我回答:“那時我在多倫多,那段時間,我就沒離開過多倫多。你可以打電話去我工作的DAVROC 詢問一下;那時我在上班啊!”





(Case 2)

Once, the Canadian Federal Police called me and asked, "You went to XXX place at YYY time; What are you doing there?”

I replied, "I was in Toronto at the time, and I haven't left Toronto during the whole time." YOU CAN CALL DAVROC WHERE I WORK TO ASK; I was always at work!”

The police said: "That group of American are investigating you and wants to see your file; We have difficulties with those people. However, we can help you find human rights lawyer and prosecute them.”

I replied, "If you have difficulties, let them see! I don't have the money to hire a lawyer.”

Afterwards, I wondered what the police said about "those people"! Who are they (Annotation 2)!

The U.S. and Canadian federal police called me several times; I don't know why, who's spying on me. Their investigations entered my credit record; I was in trouble, but I couldn't do anything.

9.7-2 你是誰?.jpg

注9.7-2,加拿大聯邦警察怎麼說美國的“那幫人”?他們是誰?請允許我先解釋我的那個國務院警察室友是什麼人?一次,他對我說:“你這種人,如果我不告訴你,你一輩子不會知道我是什麼人。我是國務院審查公安部報告的文職人員。我們這種人很多,國務院採用公司制管理,用了個不相關的公司名。我們本質上是國務院的員工,但國務院不准我們隨便使用國務院的名頭。” 類似的,加拿大警察所說的美國的那幫人就是用了假名的美國總統府員工。如果加拿大警察告訴了我他們的公司名,反倒是欺騙了我。

Annotation 9.7-2, What does the Canadian Federal Police say about “that group” of American, “those people”? Who are they? Allow me to explain first who that State Department police roommate of mine is? Once, he said to me, “People like you, if I don't tell you, you won't know who I am for the rest of your life. I am a civilian official of the State Council who reviews the reports of the Ministry of Public Security. There are many people like us, and the State Council adopts the company system to manage with an unrelated company name. We are essentially employees of the State Council, but the State Council does not allow us to use the name of the State Council casually.”  By similarity, that “Those American” is a secret agency directly under American president, if the Canadian Federal Police told me their unrelated agency name, they are cheating on me.


2010年4月,我去RBC銀行申請買房貸款。銀行的貸款經紀人看了我的信譽記錄後,忽然說: “哎呀!你是國際人物(注3),我們不知道你是誰,不和你這種人做生意!”





(Case 3)

In April 2010, I went to RBC Bank to apply for a home loan. The bank's loan broker looked at my credit record and suddenly said, “Oops! You are an international figure (Annotation 3), we don't know who you are and don't do business with people like you!”

I was immediately confused: “What international figure!? Which of my credit records says: I'm international?”

Since 2002, I have been confused by police spying on me; It wasn't until I wrote my memoir in 2014 that I understood why.

Annotation 9.7-3, the investigation of me by the secret agency of the United States and the Federal Police of Canada were recorded in my personal credit record and archived for a period.

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