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I am invited to write
送交者: mingcheng99 2014年08月11日00:07:02 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話

I am invited to write for an American online journal regularly for the topics about China and Chinese culture. They highly value my experiences, knowledges and opinions,  though may rewrite my English whenever necessary.  :-)
Beside the Sea tide, I also plan  to write a book first which will reflect the pains , joys  and dreams of kids  I shared with them in  my years of experience as a professor and a volunteer  both in China and  USA.  The title temporarily is :  Kids who swam into Ivy league.  游常青藤的孩子們  I will try to publish it both in Chinese and English,  mind  you.  :-)


Due to those plans,  my time spent  here  will be significantly reduced though  I may post some drafts  of  my writings here from time to time.


Good night and good luck!

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