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送交者: 绿野仙人 2021年03月02日11:59:34 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话

我告诉你们很多年了.换来的是啥? lol换来的是你们骂我攻击美国.让我滚回厉害国.lol 那些骂我的人才是美国真正的敌人.是这些人在破坏美国!

BREAKING: THE FRAUD WILL STAND – Supreme Court Rejects Sidney Powell’s Election Fraud Cases without Comment

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Last Monday the United States Supreme Court refused to review the Pennsylvania 2020 Election cases.

The court made the announcement on Monday morning.

Justices Alito, Gorsuch, and Thomas dissented from the denial.

On Monday, following their inaction last week, the US Supreme Court rejected without comment or explanation, lingering 2020 election challenges by Attorney Sidney Powell in Arizona and Wisconsin.


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Far left Law and Crime reported:

The Supreme Court rejected two mandamus petitions that Sidney Powell and other “Kraken”-aligned lawyers filed in late December. Those cases were stylized as In re Tyler Bowyer, et al. and In Re William Feehan. The cases took issue with the election results in Arizona and Wisconsin, where Trump lost to Joe Biden.

“The petitions for writs of mandamus are denied,” the court said Monday. That’s it, that’s the order.

The matter-of-factness and brevity stands in stark contrast to the urgency and “public importance” that the lawyers communicated in the since-dismissed petitions.

“A submission directly to this Court seeking an extraordinary writ of mandamus is unusual, but it has its foundation. While such relief is rare, this Court will grant it ‘where a question of public importance is involved, or where the question is of such a nature that it is peculiarly appropriate that such action by this Court should be taken,’” each of the mandamus petitions said.

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