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New World Order
送交者: jingchen 2021年10月11日22:07:05 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話

New World Order 

The vaccinated, who are protected, demand protection from the unvaccinated, who are unprotected.

The preachers of tolerance, who profess tolerance to all people, have zero tolerance for intolerance. 

The Green Party, which promotes a greener world, campaigns against the greenhouse gas, which makes the world greener.

The rulers, who rule over the ruled with terror, condemn the ruled, who are terrified by the rulers, for ruler phobia.

The discriminated, who are supposed to be less powerful, compel the discriminating, who are supposed to be more powerful, to repent.

The rich, who consume large amounts of goods produced by the working people, charge carbon tax to the working people, for producing goods consumed by the rich.

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