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回想义和团 Thinking of Yi-He-
送交者: 金无明 2024年12月01日08:36:17 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话


Thinking of Yi-He-Tuan

Thinking of Yi-He-Tuan, as we look back into history, we learned that after the Yi-He-Tuan rolled into a movement, the Chinese intellectuals and officials such as Li-Hong-Zhang(李鸿章), Liu-Kuen-Yi(刘坤一), Zhang-Zhi-Dong(张之洞) were all sided with the Imperialists and the Christian missionaries, these garbage Chinese all proposed to surrender to the Imperialist and were seeking self protection from the Imperialist (East-south Self-determination), all suggested to take force upon the Yi-He-Tuan and want to eradicate them, except the then Emperor Queen Cixi (慈禧太后);she had tried to placate Yi-He-Tuan and to make it a positive force for the Qing dynasty.

It was the Yi-He-Tuan that inspired China's anti-imperialist movement, this admirable spirit has last for two hundreds till today. It is crucial to Chinese's survival from today's standard!



正是义和团激发了中国的反帝运动,这种令人钦佩的精神至今已经持续了两百年。 从今天的标准来看,这对中国人的生存至关重要! 

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