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The Rainbow Flower - BY 丫丫
送交者: 唯一 2008年07月15日09:26:10 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話
It starts as a tiny seed waiting to be put into the rich soil. The tiny seed gets its wish and is put into the nice rich soil. In spring the tiny seed becomes an innocent sprout waiting patiently to become bigger. As time passes by the innocent sprout grows into a fragile bud on a stem growing in hopes to become a beautiful flower. In summer the fragile bud opens to reveal a beautiful rainbow flower. The rainbow flower is Black, blue, red, yellow, orange, and green. No other flower is as beautiful as the rainbow flower. In fall the flower cries in sadness as it starts to die and lose its colourful petals. But before the flower dies it drops a tiny seed into the rich soil in hopes that the seed will grow and bloom into a beautiful rainbow flower too.
  寫得好. 要是最後不加 TOO, 是不是更好呢?  /無內容 - Tongxin 07/15/08 (153)
  very good!!!  /無內容 - 蘇牧 07/15/08 (150)
  真是一個細心美好的孩子!!!  /無內容 - 瓦格 07/15/08 (162)
  many repeated words - 888888 07/15/08 (193)
    I actually prefer those repeated words, - 滸 07/15/08 (161)
  龍勝龍,鳳生鳳  /無內容 - 東籬下 07/15/08 (152)
  LIKE IT, two words to YY - 職老 07/15/08 (254)
    good, suprised you did not mention GOD. :O)  /無內容 - 唯一 07/15/08 (175)
      since U will, hei hei  /無內容 - 職老 07/15/08 (185)
  嗯?丫丫長大了,好像有些多愁善感了麼。 - 數據清潔工 07/15/08 (290)
     - 唯一 07/15/08 (291)
      謙虛不能使人進步,驕傲未必使人落後。  /無內容 - vibes 07/15/08 (153)
      儂跟丫丫一道學習嘛。 - 數據清潔工 07/15/08 (252)
        安徒生的英文名字是啥?  /無內容 - 唯一 07/15/08 (277)
          hans andersen  /無內容 - touche! 07/15/08 (151)
          anderson  /無內容 - oops 07/15/08 (164)
          hans anderson  /無內容 - 數據清潔工 07/15/08 (198)
            謝兩位,我去圖書官借來給她看看  /無內容 - 唯一 07/15/08 (179)
  such a delicate writing by - 滸 07/15/08 (194)
  厲害,好些詞俺不認識.  /無內容 - (99) 07/15/08 (175)
  觀察很仔細。結尾挺有意思  /無內容 - 豬悟能 07/15/08 (160)
  A very nice writing. THX. - vibes 07/15/08 (190)
    :O))))))  /無內容 - 唯一 07/15/08 (152)
  很秀氣嘛  /無內容 - knx 07/15/08 (167)
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