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Don't bury me next to you
送交者: 浦江客 2008年12月05日18:46:12 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话
Don't bury me next to you No, I don't want to be buried next to you, no matter how beautiful the cemetery is, no matter how solid our caskets are, I don't want to be buried next to you, because, next to you is too far away from you. This is how I want to be buried: I want to be held in your arms, with our fingers locked, even if what remains of you is only a skeleton. I want to turn my face to you, have my gaze forever fixed on you. my legs interwined with yours, my head rested on your chest as my pillow. I don't want my own casket, I don't need a tombstone. Like those butterfly lovers, I will jump into your tomb. So, please, don't bury me next to you.
  好诗好诗!就这样埋葬吧: - 飞星 12/05/08 (268)
    Thank you for the picture! - 浦江客 12/06/08 (251)
      that is a real one from recent - rednose 12/06/08 (244)
        Where were the skeletons found - 浦江客 12/06/08 (198)
          Search with“Hugging Skeletons" - 飞星 12/06/08 (230)
            Links: - 飞星 12/06/08 (203)
              谢谢!太感谢了!情同一心。  /无内容 - 浦江客 12/07/08 (119)
  I bet - 6degrees 12/05/08 (126)
  Oh my goodness! - 定理 12/05/08 (150)
    Somehow - 6degrees 12/05/08 (130)
      That's because - 定理 12/05/08 (142)
        wave.  /无内容 - 定理 12/05/08 (125)
  这是你原创的吗?  /无内容 - 何小鱼 12/05/08 (137)
    是的  /无内容 - 浦江客 12/05/08 (144)
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