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A Sonnet
送交者: 一全 2009年11月05日11:12:43 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话

The Moon


Do you see the pale queen of the silent night

That causes the ocean to attend upon her,

And he, so long as she is in his sight,

With her full tide is ready her to honor.

But as the silver carriage of the moon

Is mounted up so high he cannot possibly follow,

The sea calls home his painful waves to moan,

And with low ebb manifests his sorrow.

So you which are the sovereign of my heart

Have all my joys attending on your will;

My joys recede when you do depart,

When you return the tides my heart does fill.

As you come and as you do depart,

Joys recede and flow within my tender heart.



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