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Yellowstone Lake
送交者: Latte 2003年07月03日18:58:19 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话

I went to the Yellowstone National Park and the lake high above there left with me such an impression ...

"Yellowstone Lake I"

I noticed
How you carefully
Cleared the sky
Washed the shore

I could tell
How you so delicately
Softened the breeze
Arranged the breath

Eyes in mist
But still I could tell

You never asked me
If I regretted of our parting
Like snow falling in May
Never was I this confused

Is this the end of the end
The end of the endless road
I didn't want to turn back
Neither could I go

"Yellowstone Lake II - Blessing”

May the wind
That is rising now
Wake you

May the water
Give this pilgrim reason to stay
She’s traveling all the way

May you breathe
The wind then remember
This love waving forever
May you open your eyes
May you yearn for this moment
Just as much
As the four winds of heaven

And may you in your innocence
Keep her, keep her in your embrace

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