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How do you define 入教?
送交者: AC20169 2018月08月18日06:19:34 於 [史地人物] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 信神不一定非入教。。。。。括號 於 2018-08-16 11:55:39

Baptizing is necessary and important.

一大票思想家? They aren't what a christian should look up to.

We follow Jesus. Jesus is baptized.

I told you that you have no clue about Christian beliefs.

You don't know nothing about a church until you join one. You don't need to belong to any demoninations.There are many non denominational churches. Within a church there are any different views you don't have to agree with them.You will never find a second person sharing exact same values with you after all.

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