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Are you living in US
送交者: flying pig 2014月12月22日09:20:04 於 [焦點房談] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 青雲才:大陸人美國買豪宅成冤大頭青雲才 於 2014-12-20 10:21:46
I think this guy never lived in US.

1. First, house price had little to do with how the house are built. The main price of the house is the location. A piece of land in Silicon Valley can cost a million dollars. I have a contract with a home builder right now to build a house. They are supposed to luxury builder, but they are not that different from other builders. The price difference in the building the house is less than 20% of the house price.

2. All of your problems described can be insured by the home protection insurance. It is only 500 dollars a year for most houses.

3. The house value is in the land appreciation, not the house itself. A lot of guys in US remodel their house every 5 years, but they think this is an investment, not expense.

Please live in US for a while before you open your mouth.

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