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送交者: 神魔東西 2020月02月17日01:11:51 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話
回  答:  堅決抵制新病毒和邪教組織,做最大程度的保護神魔東西 於 2020-02-17 01:10:52

important decisions need to be made for the safety and health of the public, from the perspective of prevention, and to prevent the spread of local society.

The country is in a state of crisis alert because of the "novel coronavirus".

For this reason, the performance of China's paradoxical falun gong "shen yun art troupe" may also become a cause of social unrest in the region, in order to prevent the daetian city hall under the administration of the arts hall cancelled the performance a day ahead of schedule. There has not been a single confirmed case in daejeon.

According to the alert phase (attention level to alert level) of infectious disease crisis issued by the ministry of administrative security, all regions should first prevent the emergence of patients. For the safety and health of the people, countermeasures are being sought to cut off infectious diseases from entering the region.

In spite of this, ulsan culture and art association, changyuan 3.15 art hall, henan culture and art association, chunchuan bailing art hall have put forward the petition, but still forced forward.

Special Shen Yun group's performance is for the purpose of anti-government political performance, from the rules for specific new religious cult falun gong mission (hierarch hung-chih lee praised as the creator, be suppressed) on the end of the thought, without any purpose and scenes, to expose the oppression of a red human organs (2019) choose 56 ethnic minorities in the scene only in Tibet and xinjiang uygur and other ethnic minority performance of civil strife. This also violates theater lease regulations!

During the trial, they claimed to have nothing to do with falun gong, but the judges ruled that this was a "lie".

Citizens' concerns spread through reports and full-page ads in the chosun ilbo, joongang ilbo and kookmin ilbo newspapers.

In order not to upset the public, for the safety and health of the public, from the point of view of prevention, in order to stop the spread of local society, need to make a major decision.

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