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YMCA Camp─Renaissance Fair(基督教青年会营─文艺复兴节)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月04日08:36:22 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Mt. Hope0001.JPG

Aiden in English

        The Renaissance Fair reflects the medieval cultures in Mount Hope, PA. Women wore dresses that trailed behind them, while men did flashy suits in about any color with cool, fluffy (stiff) collars as I expected. But I had no idea that there was a Mud Comedy Show. It was totally all about the gross and disgustingness of a mixture made up of two basic ingredients: soil and H2O.

        It turned out that there was a lot more than having a few actors play a show in a mud pit. It was them trying to get mud on us. Most of the kids were fine, but some weren't lucky.

        As much as it was gross, my favorite part came out when a counselor from our camp took the mud test. She was asked to prove if the mud was real or not. First, she had to touch a chunk of mud. Then she gave it a sniff (and gagged). Finally, she wasn't doing it, so the actors called daredevils did. They shoved some of the gooey substance into their mouths. After a long mumbling inside, they spit it out. (Whew!)

        I only got a few drops of mud during the performance and learned the show much more than mud. From now on, I declare that mud is greatest thing on my top 10 gross list.






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