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YMCA Camp─Last Day(基督教青年會夏令營告別時刻)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年04月07日11:04:06 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Aiden in English

        Sadly, today is my finale day at YMCA for summer camp. Time goes by and hardly last long. And as much as today is a sad day, it probably becomes the best day ever of my whole summer (excluding my vacation in Mesoamerican Biological Corridor)!

        We watched a fantastic movie called Big Fat Liar. It was jam packed with humor, little curse words, and non-violent. I'm not gonna tell you about it because it would ruin all the fun. But the best part was that the counselors made a little chocolate pudding/ice-cream sundae with gummy warm and mini Oreos. It tasted just like a Rita's Blendini which everyone loved. But that's not all. Since three of the counselors were leaving for their colleges, we had so cool swirl popsicles together.

         As much as this day is sad, I loved it. And as much as this is my last day, I'm hoping that next year will be just as fun.






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