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Deng 110 anniversary & success
送交者: abc55 2014年08月09日03:05:00 於 [軍事天地] 發送悄悄話

邪黨從1989年, 犯了血光, 無數青年學生的童子血, 澆到了共產黨的頭上, 從此妖法被破, 一天不如一天, 走上了歸西的路. 

1. It was Deng who initiated China's uncontrollable corruption today, leading China into one disaster from another.

2. Deng ruined China's army through his introduction of corruption to the army. Look at Iraq, its army didn't fight, but run away when facing ISIS. Why? Because its army didn't want to protect a corrupted government that doesn't represent the interest of the ordinary people.    

3. Why did the tiny Japanese have the courage to invade a huge Qing dynasty? Because a Qing's army unit of 10,000 soldiers near the Korea border run away when it was facing a Japanese army unit of less than 100 soldiers. This made the Japanese generals believe that the Qing was defenseless, then the plan of invading Qing was born. 

4. the greatest danger of China today is that her army will run away, because it has no interest in fighting a war to protect a government of corruption, by the corruption and for the corruption.      

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