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What I know about JB家寶
送交者: Ynima 2008月10月04日11:27:12 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 溫家寶引用《沉思錄》令人沉思什麼?雷神 於 2008-10-04 07:18:30
Some friends have been working in the Central Zone or called " Special Zone" in Zhongnanhai with a classified positions. They said 家寶 bows to all guys, regardless the rank or position, as long as their dads or grand dads belong to CCP's top dogs, such as, Deng, Jiang etc. 家寶 only interested in keep his job. As one said: " 家寶 is just an employee hired by the Part for working."

Do not expect too much from him and never believe what he say. He dare to do nothing. He is just a Yes-man for the Party.
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2006: 說藝運,談國勢
2005: 根源:建議媒體及早形成“異地吹捧”機
2005: 老狐狸:從某種角度說,日台韓是一家人
2004: 日本的文化比較獨特.
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