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申时行: (社论) China leads the world forward!
送交者: Sanyo 2005年10月14日10:32:39 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

An ancient proverb of China says: above a few sunken ships, thousands of sails will come and go. Now, beside the trashes littered in space, a superb ship guided by true players in space – those from China – has appeared in space.

At a critical moment, China pulls it off, re-gaining the initiative of the human adventure, and enabling the sons and daughters of the Great Yellow River to re-assume the chief responsibility of human progress. Now the proto- space age has ended, and the true space age has begun.

We cannot forget that for about a century, barbarians all around the world staged a bizarre rebellion. They wielded the weapons of opium and gun-boats, and bullied the centerland and fringes of civilizations.

For about a century, they made it appear more glorious to be a barbarian than a person of civilization. What a nightmare! Now it has ended.

Today, together, we wish you the best, China. The world is yours. Lead us forward in this new millennium, just like you did, all along!

Bye, the century of rebellion and barbarianism. Welcome to the new millennium of civilization.

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