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送交者: 云开雾散 2019年12月08日04:27:54 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话




Francis Delmonico(Chairman of organ transplantation task force of WHO):"As international supporters, we can see the achievements on China reform. That a real good job. And I hope these mileage achievements can continue in the future."




Nancy Asher (immediate Past President of TTS):"In our international community, we heard noises, but we have being here several times, we really support China. We all know China history, but there is reform.Respond such incredible false paper is a waste of your time."






Wang Haibo (Director of China Organ Transplant Response System-COTRS in China):"I’m not worried about the ridicules rumor, because the data in our COTRS system is not just a data point, but a name, a true person with story and a family. There are more than 26000 donors data in system, which representing more than 26000 life stories."

"The current situation is, the Chinese, as well as international experts, including WHO officers, WHO task force members, have been relentless harassed by these systematic coordinated rumors, for years. These harassment are very consuming to all of us. We have a lots of work, to promote the quality of organ donation, to train better doctors, to save patients’ life. But now we have to spend lots of time to clarify all these nonsense accusations. These harassment is not only slowing down the progress of China’s organ transplant reform, but aslo a desprect, a insult to the altruistic donors and their family."




Chen-Jingyu (Vice President of Wuxi People's Hospital):"In China, there are many good doctors of heart transplant. They try hard to enter the international transplantation family.While being rejected once by once. There are many misunderstanding frominternational community. Because they are all being misleading by the rumors. I hope international experts further support China in transplantation.I hope you can come to China to check it out. And there is a Chinese saying goes like that: seeing is believing."

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