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Points well taken.
送交者: 全伊 2008月12月09日17:25:28 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: if I offended youmean 於 2008-12-09 15:24:42
Looks like we disagree on the connotation the word \"fan\" may carry. I happen to derive no sense of inferiority from the word \"fan\" itself. To me it simply means a person who loves or would support another person or team with zeal. When I say I am a fan of sb. or sth., I do not feel that I am inferor in degree of importance, merit or rank, nor am I willingly placing myself in a position that is lower than the object upon which I exert my passion. It\'s just a term that is widely used in today\'s pop culture with shades of color that can only be determined by the user in a given context. The way caleb used the word is understandable although I would not automatically use that word in that situation.

Again, we need to fear the LORD. That much we can absolutely agree on with no doubt. But if fear is the only thing we have in your personal relationship with GOD Himself, than I hate to say that Jesus died in vain for we are still living in OT.

Having an intimate friend (知心朋友) in Jesus, who is the only begotten son of GOD, who stands ready to help us and to be our advocate in front of the Heavenly Father, is one of the most important differences beween Christianity and other religions, period.
  clarification - mean 12/09/08 (157)
    Fair enough. Like I said - 全伊 12/09/08 (197)
      intimacy. good. - mean 12/09/08 (150)
      and I would more often than ..  /無內容 - 全伊 12/09/08 (130)
      correction: under that - 全伊 12/09/08 (113)
  correction again: - 全伊 12/09/08 (184)
    I recall - mean 12/09/08 (188)
      Agreed. American - 全伊 12/09/08 (140)
  correction: "in your - 全伊 12/09/08 (134)
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