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I suggest that this post be deleted too.
送交者: xinmin 2005年02月18日08:47:56 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

His privileged communication to the administrator should have never been publicized here. It is unethical to do that, unless the administrator knows in advance that the communication is an open letter.

As an old netter too, I do not share 嘁哩喀喳's trumped-up high regard about ICLL at all. His posts are of the lowest quality we have seen here.

Rainbow forum is a site primarily for christians to discuss faith-related issues and secondarily for non-christians who are sincere seekers of the christian truth. It is not a site for people like ICLL to slander and attack our christian faith. We leave very little room for such irresponsible and irreverent actions exhibited by such netters.

The best example of a sincere seeker is brother Chengzhi (peddrluo) who has become a believer after many months of spirited and courteous debates. We welcome such sincere truth-seekers.

The good example of a sincere seeker is perhaps Mr. Bach who keeps coming to this site to challenge christian faith. We bless him most of the time and curse him a bit occasionally. :-))

The bad example of an insincere seeker is ICLL and 嘁哩喀喳 who oppose christian faith vehemently, including repeating their ill-conceived posts time after time, threatening to hack the site, blackmailing the webmaster, etc. Such people do not deserve a hearing in any court of public opinion. We simply wish they are nonexistent to us.

I suggest to block their IP address(es) if they continue their bad-intentioned way of trouble-making so that they will not be a pain in the neck to our discussion here.

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