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送交者: 軟弱 2016年08月05日13:26:46 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Enviroment) 的維基百科介紹:


其實不用維基,有不少人也聽說過關於GRACE和Bob Jones University的事情,當年新聞鬧得還挺大的,都上了:New York Times 和The American Conservative.2012年,Bob Jones University要GRACE調查他們內部的性騷擾案件。結果調查一年之後,GRACE要發表調查報告之前,Bob Jones University解僱了GRACE。後來由於媒體大曝光,Bob Jones Univerity 最後重新雇用GRACE,2014年GRACE公布了它的調查報告。維基這段是這樣寫的:

In 2012 Bob Jones University asked GRACE to investigate the way it had handled reports of sexual abuse and sexual harassment. After a year of investigation, and just as GRACE was ready to release its report in early 2014, the university fired GRACE, a move widely reported in the media, including the New York Times and The American Conservative. A month later BJU rehired GRACE, and in December 2014, GRACE released its report.

在維基百科的介紹裡面,還有類似的另一件事情。2011 年Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE)要求GRACE調查他們在Bangladesh的事工。歷時兩年的調查結束,就在要發布調查報告之前,ABWE解僱了GRACE。維基上關於這段是這樣報道的:

In 2011 the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE), which had 900 missionaries in 60 countries and 5,000 supporting churches, asked GRACE to investigate allegations of abuse at its mission in Bangladesh. After 100 interviews over two years, ABWE fired GRACE just as it prepared to publish its report, claiming GRACE had mishandled the investigation. ABWE then hired an organization called Professional Investigators International (PII) to complete the investigation.



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