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送交者: 從上而生 2019年04月19日12:56:28 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

To the Knowledge of the Truth


Forsaking the congregation at worship leads to serious consequences. The author warns the believers that the sequel to sinning deliberately is falling "into the hands of the living God" (10:31).

26. If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, 27. but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God.



The word deliberately stands first in the original Greek, and as the opening word of the sentence it receives all the emphasis. The term occurs only twice in the New Testament, here and in I Peter 5:2. It refers to something done intentionally.

In the Old Testament the distinction is made between sins committed unintentionally and sins committed intentionally. The first can be forgiven; the second cannot Moses writes, "But anyone who sins defiantly, whether native-born or alien, blasphemes the Lord, and that person must be cut off from his people" (Num. 15:30; see also Lev. 4:2, 22, 27; 5:15, 18; Num. 15:24 for unintentional sins).

The author of Hebrews is rather specific. He writes concerning a person who sins intentionally and who keeps on doing this in open rebellion against God and his Word. To reach his readers in a pastoral manner, he even includes himself in the warning not to sin defiantly. He is not talking about a believer who falls into sin unintentionally and finds forgiveness in God's grace and mercy. Rather, he points to the same sin that Jesus calls the sin against the Holy Spirit (Matt. 12:32; Mark 3:29) and that John describes as "a sin that leads to death" (I John 5:16). Although he employs different terms, the writer virtually repeats the same thought he expressed in 3:12 and 6:4-6, where he speaks of falling away from the living God.

Those who turn away from God and "have received the knowledge of the truth" can never say that they sinned in ignorance. The phrase knowledge of the truth relates to God's revelation in general and the gospel in particular (see I Tim. 2:4; II Tim. 2:25; 3:7; Titus 1:1). They who at one time received this truth, but now have turned against God and his revelation, are without excuse. Nothing can save them. They know that Christ's sacrifice is the only sacrifice that removes sin. If they deliberately reject Christ and his atoning work, they reject salvation. For them, says the writer, "no sacrifice for sins is left."

What then is left? "Only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God." A decision against Christ taken deliberately can only result in judgment. And judgment is not merely something that happens at the end of time. Evidence already is being gathered and presented to the jury in preparation for the judgment day. And that is a fearful expectation!

The emphasis falls on the adjective fearful. The word occurs three times in the New Testament, all in this epistle (10:27, 31:12:21). This adjective is translated "fearful," "dreadful," and "terrifying." In all three instances its use pertains to meeting God. The sinner cannot escape God's judgment and, unless he has been forgiven in Christ, faces an angry God on that dreadful day.

Not only the judgment awaits the sinner who will receive the verdict, but also the execution of that verdict. The author vividly portrays the execution as a raging fire that will consume all those who have chosen to be enemies of God. Actually he echoes the words of Isaiah's prophecy, "Let the fire reserved for your enemies consume them" (Isa. 26:11).

Baker New Testament Commentary - Baker New Testament Commentary – Exposition of Thessalonians, the Pastorals, and Hebrews.

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