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Step by step (1)--- Questions that had helped me
送交者: visper 2006年07月23日20:17:55 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

Stepping out of denial into God’s Grace

1. What areas of your life do you have power (control) over? Be specific.
2. What areas of your life are out of control, unmanageable? Be specific.
3. As a child, what coping skills did you use to get attention or to protect yourself?
4. How do you handle pain and disappointment?
5. How can you begin to address your denial?

1.List ways that your pride has stopped you from asking for and getting the help?
2.What in your past has caused you to have the “if onlys”?
3.What are you worrying about ? why?
4.How has holding to your anger, resentments, affected you?
5.Describe the emptiness you feel and some new ways you are finding to fill it?

1.Where were you trying to find hope?
2.What do you believe about God?
3.How can your relationship with your Higher Power, Jesus Christ, help you step out of your denial and face reality?
4.In what areas of your life are you ready to let God help you?

1.What things have you doing over and over again, expecting a different result each time (insanity)?
2.What is your definition of sanity?
3.How have your past expectations of others been unrealistic? Give examples.
4.In the past, how has trusting only in your own feelings and emotions gotten you in trouble?

1.What is stopping you from asking Jesus Christ into your heart as your Lord and Savior?
2.How has relying “on your own understanding” caused problems in your life? Be specific.
Proverbs 3: 5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
In all you ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”
3. What does “repent” mean to you?
4.What does the declaration of “not guilt” found in Romans 3:22 mean to you?

1.How has your definition of willpower changed?
2.What have your been able to turn over to God?
3.What do you fear turning over to His care?
4.What is a major concern of your life?
5.What does the phrase “live one day at a time” mean to you?

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