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送交者: theson 2008年11月09日08:45:18 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
  请我们先祷告 主,我们里面实在渴慕你,我们知道你的话就是你的自己,你的话就是你的发表,你的话就是你的临到我们。我们实在看重这个!   诗歌:241♫   今日经节及注解 约一1~18 重点经节: 约1:14 话成了肉体,支搭帐幕在我们中间,丰丰满满的有恩典,有实际。我们也见过祂的荣耀,正是从父而来独生子的荣耀。   填空(请用鼠标左键选择空白处) 这话成为肉体,乃是三一神成为(肉体)的人,就是有罪的人,使神进入有罪的人,与有罪的人联结为一;但只有这有罪之人的(样式),没有这有罪之人的(罪)。如此,祂成了一位(无罪)的神而人者─(神人),是完整的神,又是完全的人,兼有(神)、(人)二性。( 参约一14注2,第一段) 明天:基督乃是通天的梯子 The Word Became Flesh ¡¡ Let's Pray: We really long for You from within, and we know that Your word is Your very Self, Your word is Your expression, and Your word is Your reaching us. We truly regard this. ¡¡ Hymn:309 ¡¡ Today's Verses and Footnotes: John 1:1-18 Key Verse: John 1:14 And the Word became flesh and tabernacled among us (and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only Begotten from the Father), full of grace and reality. ¡¡ Filling the Blanks (Please double-click the blanks): That the Word became (flesh) means that the Triune God became a man of flesh in the likeness of a sinful man. By so doing God entered into sinful man and became one with sinful man. However, He had only the (likeness) of a sinful man and not the (sin) of a sinful man. Hence, He was a (sinless) God-man, the complete God and the perfect man, having two natures, the (divine) nature and the (human) nature. (See John 1:14 note 2, paragraph 1)
    应该是聚会所的恢复本圣经吧 - mean 11/10/08 (202)
      u r right, probably it is. tks  /无内容 - beiqian 11/10/08 (126)
    你对老子的道如何理解? - 笨函数 11/09/08 (193)
      if you please - mean 11/09/08 (231)
        你走远点吧!  /无内容 - 笨函数 11/09/08 (175)
          few people here r so rude; - beiqian 11/10/08 (173)
            你更应该走远点贴都看不懂免得受了暗伤.好自为之.  /无内容 - 笨函数 11/10/08 (192)
      当然中文和合本也对道进行了限定而非老子之道  /无内容 - 笨函数 11/09/08 (152)
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