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賀is currently ruining his 3
送交者: 廣東南蠻 2008月09月02日13:48:24 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話
回  答: Kids should not be heldcelery 於 2008-09-02 09:15:14
賀 should teaches a children to face the consequences honestly and positively, do not take any short cut at the expenses of moral and ethical standards.

賀 should not continue to selfishly manipulating the situation at the expenses of his 3 child’s mental health as he had done it before upon his daugther. Your way of dealing with the children only lead to more mental damages and psychological hardships for the children. This explained why children raised from sub-urban family tend to be more successful than children raised in the major big cities with easier life styles. 賀Should honestly tell and explain to his 3 children about his mischief and secondly explain to the children to bravely face the reality and up hold their responsibilities to deal with the moral and ethical standards and issues. 賀is currently and selfishly ruining his 3 children once again.
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