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送交者: NoWorry 2008月10月29日18:04:16 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 雖然事實如此,但也不能把話說得這樣白吧:)c1a 於 2008-10-29 15:46:48
you two tell NoWorry what NoWorry says are just so right. Overseas Chinese kids can not learn Chinese from those Chinese like you two who are so low. You can not teach our kids aborad Chinese. You will teach our kids with bad manners and a narrow mind which is really bad.

It really and truly does not matter wheather you two agree with NoWorry or not. What matters is the way and tone with which you talk. You are simply not qualified to be a teacher or even a parent. A good teacher or a well mannered parents will never talk the way that you guys do.

Please listen to NoWorry though we may not agree with each other. Noworry's advice will be surely benefiticial to you two one way or the other. You two have long way to go. You have to learn how to tolerate, how to share different ideas and how respect different people, which we Americans always do. You two need to learn to be a better person.

thanks for your responses and vcery nice to talk to you two
  好玩 - oldnavy 10/29/08 (176)
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