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you are so right
送交者: NoWorry 2008月10月29日18:16:17 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 給堅持教孩子中文的家長c1a 於 2008-10-29 16:09:05
in short, it is personal business whether a overseas chinese kid learn or not learn chinese, not a big deal. It is not a matter of "TO BE OR NOT TO BE".

It might be just like what you say your kids might have more advantages if more other kids do not learn chinese.

Or it might be disadvantages for your kids because your kids spend too much time on chinese, and could not do many other things which may be very important too.

Thanks for your message.
    你這位就是無憂文中所說的農村二大媽 - NoWorry 10/30/08 (367)
      見笑了。不小心說漏了一點兒,也就能在這兒吹吹而已  /無內容 - c1a 10/30/08 (149)
        太保守。:)  /無內容 - Box 10/30/08 (111)
    要想學好,確實會耽誤其它  /無內容 - 三藏 10/30/08 (182)
      有什麼好耽誤的。你8能因為自己IQ有限9限制了孩子的能力  /無內容 - oops 10/30/08 (124)
  There you go. Good summary. :p /無內容 - celery 10/29/08 (125)
    thanks  /無內容 - NoWorry 10/29/08 (137)
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